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This is Wales

A nation that cherishes its past, lives well in the present and plays 
its part in constructing a better future — for people and planet.

What do we tell the
world about Wales?

The strongest brands are built on rock solid foundations. A framework that helps us communicate our nation’s story — where we’ve come, from, what matters to us today, and where we’re going tomorrow — in a clear, consistent and compelling way.

Here’s our brand framework. It consists of five things —our approach, proposition, narrative, values and checklist.

  • Narrative

    Our narrative tells the fuller story of who we are as a nation, where we’ve come from, what matters to us today, and where we’re going tomorrow.

    We’ve worked hard to become the progressive, thoughtful nation we are today. We take nothing for granted: but we’re clear about what’s important to us. 

Giving people the best possible experiences here. Prioritising the future of a thriving planet and taking our part in it seriously. Exploring big ideas to create exciting opportunities. And considering one another: we’re a community.

    We look after it all —
    People. Places. Prosperity.

    We tread lightly, live well and look after one another. For all of our futures. For bro a byd.

  • Approach

    Our approach is the starting point — the lens through which we think about ourselves.

    Cymru, bro a byd.
    Inherently Welsh with a global outlook.

  • Proposition

    Our proposition is what we want people to think and feel about Wales above all else.

    Let’s cherish our past, live well in the present and construct a better future — for people and planet.
    This is Wales. A nation that cares — for bro and byd.

  • Values

    Our three values show what we stand for as a nation. They outline what matters to us and guide how we act.


    Wales has a quiet determination.
    We’re clear about what we believe. We’re confident in our ability get things done. And we invite others to join us.


    There’s an unmistakable warmth to the Welsh.
    Relationships matter to us, locally and globally. We love to share our unique culture with the world, through creativity, stories and songs, ancient and new, in the languages of Wales.


    We do things with spirit. You can feel our energy, whatever we’re up to.
    Our landscapes are alive with nature and adventure. Our culture is alive with imagination. Our communities are alive with opportunity and real innovation. Our nation’s alive with possibilities.

  • Checklist

    The checklist provides a simple reminder of the things we must do to when bringing our brand to life – through content, copy or campaigns.

    Raise the bar

    We raise the bar in everything that we do — inspiring global audiences through ambitious ideas and cut-through creativity.

    Do good things

    We do good things — from small acts of kindness to pioneering progressive policies that protect our planet. These are the stories we share — showing what we care about, and inspiring others to join us.

    Challenge perceptions

    We cast aside tired clichés – leading people somewhere new, surprising them with the unexpected and showcasing the progressive Wales of today, consistently and confidently.

    Make it inherently Welsh

    We showcase what makes our nation distinctive. We’ve always has a non-conformist streak and we bring our unique characters, products, enterprises, traditions, culture and language to life in an assured, authentic contemporary way.

    Invite people in

    We’re always engaging, never passive — bringing people closer with a warm croeso. Actively inviting others to be part of what we’ve got going on— to visit, work, trade or learn with us.

Need more info?

Brand framework

You can download our core brand framework below. Please contact our brand team if you need any further guidance on using our brand assets.

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