Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis
Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i wella’ch profiad ar y wefan hon.
Gallwch dderbyn ein polisi cwcis neu addasu’ch dewisiadau.
Cyfeiriwch at ein Polisi Cwcis am ragor o wybodaeth.
Addo. Make your promise to Wales.
Visit Wales has introduced a pledge, asking people from within and outside Wales to ‘Addo’.
To make a promise together, as we prepare to start exploring again to care for each other, for this epic land and for our communities.
Wales’ core offer of outstanding landscapes, a creative culture and epic adventure can and should continue to be showcased to visitors from within and outside Wales, all underpinned by a warm welcome. Below you can assess a collection of assets and materials to help you welcome visitors once again in a suitable, safe and responsible way.